As I posted to Facebook yesterday, I'm so done with John Tierney. And damnit, I had thought that the NYTimes was done with him too -- the TierneyLabs blog was shut down in April. The afore-linked column is in regards to the underrepresentation of women in science careers, particularly "mathy" sciences like physics, chemistry, and engineering (which lets him casually dismiss the near gender parity in the social sciences and the life sciences). Tierney is taking the groundbreaking, heretofore-unseen position that maybe women just don't like working with math. Women prefer to work with people and "organic" living things. As both a biologist--the life sciences are actually pretty math intensive!!--and a woman--any issues I have with math have better explanations than my lack of a penis!!--I took umbrage.
Sad Scientist and the New York Times
Posted by
Hypatia's Ghost
on Wednesday, June 16, 2010
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